Samspill i paret

Tilfredshet med livet for ektefeller på norske gårdsbruk


  • Knud Knudsen Högskolan i Stavanger



subjective quality of life, reciprocal mechanisms, farm couples, Lisrel analysis


Interaction in the dyad : Life satisfaction for spouses on Norwegian farms

In this article we analyse spouses’ subjective quality of life for farm couples. A conceptual model is presented, postulating individual well-being as resulting from own and spouse’s background, common conditions on the farm, as well as partner’s well-being. We argue for reciprocal mechanisms of life satisfaction within the dyad at the holding, and specify alternative hypotheses of possible predominant influences between wife and husband. Empirical implications of the model are tested against data from a sample of Norwegian farm couples, consisting of active male farm holders and their wives. Results document the relevance of individual as well as common factors for her and his well-being. Findings from Lisrel analysis furthermore suggest that the male farmer for his life satisfaction is more dependent on the wife, than the other way around. All in all, findings point to the isolated character of the male role in modern farming, and emphasise the importance of the female role under such conditions.



Referera så här

Knudsen, Knud. 2001. ”Samspill I Paret: Tilfredshet Med Livet for Ektefeller På Norske gårdsbruk”. Sociologisk Forskning 38 (2):67-90.


