Mot disciplinens kärna!
Från sociologiska paradigm till sociologididaktik
Sociologi, didaktik, paradigm, ämnesdisciplinAbstract
Brante, T. (1980) Vetenskapens struktur och förändring. Lund: Doxa.
Collins, R. (1998) The sociological eye and its blinders, Contemporary Sociology, 27 (1):2–7.
Giddens, A. (2006) Sociologi. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Ginnerskov, J. (2021) When Baehr met Steffen: Appraising classicality through the lens of neglect, Acta Sociologica, 64 (4):369–382.
Gouldner, A.W. (1970) The coming crisis of western sociology. New York: Basic Books.
Grauerholz, L. & S. Bouma-Holtrop (2003) Exploring critical sociological thinking, Teaching Sociology, 31 (4):485–496.
Kuhn, T.S. (1962) The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Mills, C.W. (1959) The sociological imagination. New York: Oxford University Press.
Palmer, N. (2023) The sociological imagination within teaching sociology: 1973–2020, Teaching Sociology, 51 (1):1–12.
Ritzer, G. (1975) Sociology: A multiple paradigm science, The American Sociologist, 10 (3):156–167.
Scanlan, S.J. & L. Grauerholz (2009) 50 years of C. Wright Mills and the sociological imagination, Teaching Sociology, 37 (1):1–7.
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