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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution, or a very similar version of it, has not previously been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • The file is saved in Microsoft Word or RTF-format.
  • The text is correctly formatted following the instructions regarding format and language in Author Guidelines (see below).
  • DOI-links to the references in the reference list are available for those having such.
  • Manuscripts to scientific articles are carefully anonymised according to instructions.
  • Figures and diagrams are both included in the manuscript, and attached as separate files in original format.

Author Guidelines

Policy for submissions and peer review

Sociologisk Forskning accepts scientific journal manuscripts for potential publication in Swedish, English, Danish or Norwegian. The journal applies double-blinded peer review, which means that articles published in Sociologisk Forskning are reviewed by at least two other researchers outside the editorial board. Sociologisk Forskning only accepts original texts that have not previously been published, rejecting manuscripts that simultaneously are being considered for publication elsewhere. No fees are charged for publication in Sociologisk Forskning.

Guidelines for submitting articles:

  1. Only complete manuscripts are accepted for assessment. The editorial board does not accept synopses, article drafts or otherwise unfinished manuscripts.
  2. The authors of the submitted manuscript must follow the Swedish Sociological Associations’ guidelines for co-authorship.
  3. Manuscripts are to be registered on the website of Sociologisk Forskning.
  4. The manuscript should be written in MS-Word, being double-spaced with good margins. New paragraphs are made through line breaks. The minimum number of words of the total manuscript is 4,000 and the maximum is 10,000 words, including abstract. The editorial board only accepts submissions online, through the website.
  5. The names of the authors are not to be included in the manuscript. Please, anonymise all references to your own publications, by writing “Author” when referring in the text and in the reference list. Do not forget to delete your name from the document properties (for instructions about how to do this in Microsoft Word, follow this link). On the first page of the manuscript, only include title and number of words.
  6. An abstract with a maximum of 175 words and five keywords should be enclosed.
  7. A short author presentation of approximately 50 words is to be enclosed in a separate document, including your title, academic residence and postal address.
  8. Potential notes should be placed as footnotes in the manuscript. Endnotes should not be used.
  9. Tables, figures and graphics should both be included in the manuscript and be uploaded as separate files in their original format.
  10. Avoid abbreviations in the main text. Potential abbreviations are to be written with dots (e.g., et al.).
  11. When using acronyms for organizations, institutions, etc., please write out the full version of the acronym the first time it is being used in the main text.
  12. Literature references in the main text should be written accordingly: (Pilgrim & Rogers 1993:25) alternatively Pilgrim and Rogers (1993:25). When several references are included in the same parentheses, please write: (Sontag 1977:35; Pilgrim & Rogers 1993:25). For literature references to work by more than three authors, please write (della Porta, Hänninen, Siisiäinen et al. 2015:79–83). For literature references where several work by the same author are referred to, please write: (Merton 1949, 1973, 1976).
  13. For all references in your references list that have a registered DOI-number, the number should be included in the references (in the same form as in the example below about journal articles).
  14. The references in the reference list, should be designed accordingly:

Book: Durkheim, É. (2005[1897]) Suicide: A study in sociology. London: Routledge.

Journal article: Haavio-Mannila, E., J.P. Roos & O. Kontula (1996) “Repression, revolution and ambivalence: The sexual life of three generations”, Acta Sociologica 39 (4):409–430.

Book chapter: Dryler, H. (1994) ”Etablering av nya högskolor: Ett medel för minskad snedrekrytering?”, 285–308 in R. Erikson & J.O. Jonsson (Eds.) Sorteringen i skolan. Stockholm: Carlsson.

Material on the Internet: World Social Forum (2007) “Meeting defines mobilisation schedule for WSF 2008 and 2009 process and working groups”, news=2393&cd_language=2 (accessed 23 September 2007).

In the reference list, please state all authors to the referred texts. Give page range for articles and book chapters. For journal references, please do not forget to write both volume and issue of the journal.

For English titles of journal articles, books, book chapters etc., do not use “title case”. Only use uppercase in the first letter of the title (and possible subtitle), in proper nouns, and in other words that in English text normally have uppercase in the first letter.

If you use Endnote, Zotero or other reference management software, make sure that the final manuscript does not include any form of field codes from this software.

If this is considered necessary by the editors, accepted manuscripts written in English must be language edited by a professional language editor. 

For a more detailed description of the journal’s guidelines for manuscript submissions, download this document if you are submitting a text in English and this document if your manuscript is in Swedish. 

Using DOI-links

DOI is an abbreviation for Digital Object Identifier and works as a unique ID-number allocated to electronic documents, such as for example scientific articles. A DOI works as a stable link to the publication. From 2019 onwards, all articles in Sociologisk Forskning are allocated DOI:s, and for all references that have a DOI that should be stated.

A DOI consists of the publisher’s prefix, followed by a unique ID-number. If is added before the actual DOI, it works as a clickable link. Hence, the format is:

The DOI can usually be found at the first page of the article, or in connection with the article’s information about citations. You can also easily search for DOIs for a whole reference list on Crossref’s webpage.


Book reviews

Reviews of sociological dissertations and other relevant literature (including course literature) are welcomed and evaluated by the editorial board. A review should include a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1.500 words. A review essay, i.e. a review where two or more books are processed, should include a maximum of 2.500 words. Please state the author’s name, the title of the book, the year of publication, and the publisher.

Book reviews should be uploaded on the website of Sociologisk Forskning, or sent directly to our review editors: Lisa Ferm or Tina Lidström.


Research notes

Research notes are shorter texts presenting results from new research in a concise and clear way. We only publish research notes based on original empirical research on Swedish society, including comparative studies involving Sweden.

As for other scientific articles in Sociologisk Forskning, research notes should, at least shortly, introduce the concepts and theory that is relevant for the study and the method that was used. The text should also shortly clarify the implications of the new results for sociology’s understanding of the object of study.

The journal accepts contributions in English, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian.

The research note should be between 1,000 and 1,7000 words, excluding title, abstract, references, tables, and figures. It can contain only one table or one figure (at most, one page in the journal), and at most ten references. An abstract with a maximum of 90 words and five keywords should be enclosed. The contribution should mainly introduce new and previously unpublished research. For other details, follow the journal’s guidelines for ordinary scientific articles.

The research note will undergo a double-blind peer review. Accepted manuscripts written in English must be language edited by a professional language editor.

Research notes should be uploaded on the website of Sociologisk Forskning.

Debate and comments

In order to contribute to a living debate, there are possibilities to submit debate articles to the journal. A debate article should include a maximum of 3.000 words. We mainly publish contributions aimed at a debate within the sociological community. Contributions can, for example, be about research (theory, methods, results, etc.), sociologists’ professional conditions, or sociology’s role in society. 

There are also possibilities to submit comments to texts published in the journal. A response includes approximately 1.000 words. The comments should be sent to the editorial board no later than 30 days after the publication of the text. The author of the text that is being commented upon is always given space to respond to any published comments.

Debate articles and comments should be uploaded on the website of Sociologisk Forskning.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.