Inequality realism

Normalization of inequality in Gothenburg


  • Catharina Thörn Göteborgs Universitet



Ojämlikhet, styrning, målkonflikter, organisatoriskt tryck, transporterande idéer


In this article, I argue that urban planning is dominated by inequality realism – an ideological framework and governance structure that normalizes inequality and prioritizes measures that deepen segregation, even though policies may have set different goals. The analysis focuses on Gothenburg's efforts to reduce inequality and segregation, with urban planning as one of the instruments used in this endeavor. By examining the chain of events from policy objectives to implementation, I demonstrate the systematic deprioritization of equality and identify the mechanisms that contribute to this phenomenon. Through the analysis of key documents and interviews with politicians and officials, multiple interconnected processes are identified, collectively generating a governance form referred to as inequality realism.


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How to Cite

Thörn, Catharina. 2023. “Inequality Realism: Normalization of Inequality in Gothenburg”. Sociologisk Forskning 60 (1):83-106.


