From Falling in love to being in love

On the search for trust in Erich Fromm's the art of loving




Trust, love, relationships, The art of loving, Erich Fromm


The essay is a result of reading Erich Fromm’s book The Art of Loving, and its purpose is to explore the significance of trust in romantic relationships based on this book, focusing on the transition from falling in love to being in love. The transition from falling in love to being in love is the central theme, and it is in this process that trust is put to the test. According to Fromm, living in a lasting romantic relationship requires an art of loving. The essay argues that the art of loving has the potential to sustain trust, and it is trust that, in turn, safeguards love.


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How to Cite

Sandberg, Fredrik. 2024. “From Falling in Love to Being in Love: On the Search for Trust in Erich Fromm’s the Art of Loving”. Sociologisk Forskning 61 (2):215-32.

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