Does Sociologisk Forskning have anything to say about the climate crisis?

A decadal overview of publications




sociologi, klimatförändringar, Sociologisk forskning, miljösociologi, forskningsreflektion


Over the past decade, there has been an international discussion on how mainstream sociological journals engage with climate change. This article provides an overview of the international debate and a contextual background for the special issue “Climate Crisis” in the Swedish mainstream sociological journal Sociologisk Forskning. An overview of the publications in Sociologisk Forskning between 2012 and 2022 shows that only 15 address climate change, of which eight are research articles. Half of these use climate change as illustrative examples and half apply sociological theories to cases. The term "ambivalence" is repeatedly employed. The article identifies similarities and differences between international journals and Sociologisk Forskning. The limited number of publications may validate criticism that mainstream sociological journals have a perspective on sociology that excludes climate change. At the same time, the published articles in Sociologisk Forskning contribute to normalizing climate change by drawing from established fields. The overview also highlights the relationship between general sociology and environmental sociology, concluding with a discussion on why Sociologisk Forskning specifically needs to increase the number of publications on climate change.


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How to Cite

Rabe, Linn. 2023. “Does Sociologisk Forskning Have Anything to Say about the Climate Crisis? : A Decadal Overview of Publications”. Sociologisk Forskning 60 (3-4):229-49.